Check out my feature on the blog for my 1 year full time anniversary! After years of freelance projects working together and 6 months of contract work I accepted a full time offer in January 2019. […]
Feature on

Check out my feature on the blog for my 1 year full time anniversary! After years of freelance projects working together and 6 months of contract work I accepted a full time offer in January 2019. […]
I launched a new theme for my website today with an updated portfolio section you should check out! I’m actively looking to take on new web projects at the moment so if you are looking for a web developer or have a web project you are looking to work on please check out what Ive […]
Update: Since I changed theme, I’m no longer using this header image but CJ Dawson Photography is still a great business to support if you are looking for photography work! I finally updated the header image for my site from the default WordPress image. I used a photo of me at a WildBit party a […]
My good friend Mike Stein contacted me recently to reboot his web presence for his design portfolio. I had built the original iterations of his website years ago and it had been a while since we had touch the design or code. The old site was on an outdated version of WordPress and was in […]
Weekend in NYC for Cirque Du Soleil – Zarcana is complete. Happy to be back home with this view. This was created using Autostitch. (Click for Full Size) […]
I’d like to thank everyone who voted for me to perform at Happy Cog’aoke 2 this year. I came in 5th place in the voting. This meant I was the 5th last performance of the evening, which tends to give performers a little bit of an upperhand since the audience has had more time to […]
I am in the running to perform karaoke once again at SXSWi this year for Happy Cog’s Ok Happy Cog’aoke 2. Please head over to my contestant page and place your vote every day for the next four days. […]