Originally posted at https://api.jonathanfinnegan.com/twitter-blackbird-pie-to-embed-tweets-in-wordpress/
If you want to display a tweet in a post you now have a much better option than uploading a screenshot or copy & pasting it into a post.
The Twitter Blackbird Pie plugin for WordPress by @themergency allows you to easily embed an individual twitter post (a tweet) into your site with a shortcode & the tweet’s URL or unique ID as shown above. It conveniently formats the tweet, the user’s icon, & background image while also including Twitter’s Web Intents. To format & code all that manually every time you want to highlight a tweet on your site would take up quite a bit of time.
The one issue I could see with this is if you were trying to write about or document a controversial or harassing twitter conversation, the tweets could be deleted by the user & would then no longer be shown on your site. I suggest that if you suspect this could be an issue, you should also take a screenshot of the tweet in case you do need to replace the once embedded tweet with the image. I have personally witnessed (and documented) many harassing tweets at other users that were then quickly deleted.
If you are using screenshots of tweets in your posts, do you also transcribe the text from the tweet into the alt tags of the image? I recommend that you try & practice this so the copy of the tweet will be searchable & more accesible to a wider audience.
Thank you to @themergency for making such an awesome plugin & to @alexknowshtml for using it on his site, dangerouslyawesome.com, where I discovered this. I’ve always wanted an easy way to do this & I’m happy to have finally found this plugin.